
Showing posts from March, 2022

When do you have enough stock?

 People who are not Artists often ask why and what do we do with all the stock of paintings we have accumulated.  Well my studio stock I was thinking was pretty full, but I have applied to enter three shows this May and only just have enough pieces to go into them.  Now say these pieces all sell, well I have a Fall and Christmas shows to enter and now I don’t have enough stock.  So though it looks like we have lots of pieces of unsold art, we really don’t, as most shows you are looking at 20 plus pieces, you do the maths.  

Exploring and Playing

 Sometimes an Artist explores other style, just to expand their skills.  I like the challenge of exploring and mastering different techniques.  Even as an experienced Artist there is still new things to learn.  Never be afraid to play and push the boundaries.  Even if a piece does not work out, it is the journey not the destination remember.  Go forth and play guys.  

Ahh Ha Moment

 Sometimes a painting just does not sit right, you think it is finished but something niggles you and you have to look at it for quite a while until you have that ahh ha! moment.  This happened with the large piece I painted to go in my entrance way.  40”x30” stretched canvas, it was of a large whale and it caused me several hours of frustration, changing and emerging into a piece I thought was done.  Varnished and hardware and signed it was hung in the allotted place.  I glanced at it, I analyzed it and I ignored it, then finally one day I said to my husband, it’s too dark!  Back down to the studio it went and then came that ahh ha! moment and it emerged finally finished and its creator loving it.   


 I have done and sold lots of abstracts, occasionally the purchaser requires the piece to be turned from the original way I saw it.  This piece is 30”x40” mixed media I painted in 2014.  The piece was in my private collection but the purchaser offered a significant amount of money for it and requested it be turned around.  So a quick repositioning of my signature and new hardware and it was out the door to be hung in its new home.  I think all Artists have favourite pieces but sometimes it is just time to set them free.  


 Commissions are difficult, that is why most Artist take 50% up front to start on one.  Usually the client has in mind what they want, but some just give you a rough idea and let you go at it.  Especially if they know your style and work well.  I just got a commission for a large piece, 36”x48”, for a prairie landscape in a lose semi abstract style.  That’s all I got given as guide line, no picture, just a “well you know what we like”!  This is going to be interesting, watch this space.   I have sold several abstracts this month, it seems Albertans like them, when I was in Nova Scotia I seldom ever sold abstracts, it was mainly seascapes, landscapes and women, sometimes nudes, but again few.  Different locations and environments dictate, I have found, what the preferred style is.  My husband yesterday saw a person up the road unloading very large art work pieces from their car into to a house.  He said it was like IKEA or Walmart style.  I found that sad as large pieces from box stores


 An abstract is one if the most difficult paintings to pull off.  You have to know colour, competition, balance and when the piece is finished.  Most Artists will tell you their gut tells them when to stop and the piece is done, I believe this comes with practice and experience.  Abstract is more than just splashing and applying paint to a canvas, it comes by many hours of frustration, lots of errors and experimenting, until you finally find the way.  


 Good bright morning, everyone here in Canada is dreaming of Spring and flowers blooming.  Here are some vase full of picked flowers to get everyone in the mood.  

Support your local Artists

 The last two years have been very hard on Artists,  the world over.  With galleries closed a lot of professionals found it difficult to sell their work.  If you have a gift to buy then why not consider purchasing from a local Artist, an original piece gives years of joy.  Good value for money and a unique piece to add to your collection.  

Splash of Colour New Piece

  This piece is hot off the easel 16”x20” acrylic on stretch canvas.   Original by Calgary, Alberta Artist Annette Violet Sawers