
Showing posts from April, 2022

Reworking old pieces

 Sometimes a piece of art will sit around for a long time and an artist will take it and rework it.  No painting is waste if it is not damaged.  The texture under the original adds depth to the new piece and takes it to another level.  In any Artist studio you will find a stack of paintings awaiting this process, maybe the original piece seems dated or never sat right, colour may have been off or subject did not work out, many reason, but all fixable. Don’t be afraid to rework a piece or change the background colour, if it is varnished it will work too, just a few layers of gesso will solve that problem, though I have just painted then revarnished backgrounds and foreground with great success.  Art is an experiment don’t be put off or intimidated by something that pushes you out of your comfort zone.  

Artist Block

 If you are an Artist, you will at some point face the “Artist Block”, where you stare at the blank canvas and think now what!  I find the best way to over come this for me, is to look at as much art as possible, be it in books, on line, in nature or in galleries, something you see will inspire you.  I paint in series, this helps me focus on a related subjects and keeps the creative juices flowing.  Sometimes you just need to cover that intimidating blank white canvas and throw paint at it, just play and something will click.  Remember there are never mistakes in art, just happy accidents.  

Plein Air Painting

 I have been painting many years and unlike a lot of Artists I know, I hate painting outside.  I have friends who hike, bike and take sketch books and canvas with them and spend hours painting on site.  I have on occasion done it, I have to say I am a fly magnetic and the days I have done it, the weather turns blisteringly hot.  I use acrylic and a messy artist at the best of times, but when I take to Plein Air, I escalate to a whole new level of paint coverage.  The closest I have come to enjoying this form of painting is on a tropical beach, under an umbrella, in front of the sea, sipping a large alcoholic drink with umbrellas in it.  Using water colours are far easier than acrylics and a much easier clean up.  

Sketch Books

 While away it can be difficult to continue using your regular media for art.  That is where sketch booking comes into its own.  Great way to do quick sketches of scenes and maybe something you have been struggling with.  In my sketch book I have taken away with me this time I revisit old scenes from other vacations and practice on hands and eyes.  These books are great reference pieces to browse through and use as practice exercises, no one need ever see them.  If you have not started a sketch book then go buy one today they are cheap and don’t have to be fancy.  Great for on the plane, train or in hotel rooms or vacation home gardens. Enjoy and have a great day.  

Colour palettes

 I as an Artist try to stick to a colour palette of three colours and many shades there of.  This does not always work, but I find this is a good rule to live by.  Complimentary colours you can find by using a colour wheel or after a while your gut instinct.  Here are some examples of limiting your palette to get great impact into your paintings.  

Series: Strong Women

 I did a series titled “Strong Women” several years ago, many sold and I still have two in my private collection.  It taught me a lot about expressions and inspiring emotions from the pieces I did.  One was picked and bought for royalty rights and appeared in a magazine for an articulate wrote about aging.  I truly believe women are strong both physically and emotionally and full of emotions.  

Commission Piece
